This is how Nanit Insights calculates the night summary
If your night summary looks like it's missing some of your little ones sleeping time, here's how Nanit calculates the night summary along with a suggestion to make Insights work better.
Nanit Insights take the bedtime from your settings and look for the first time baby was put to bed after that. So this will be the beginning of the night summary. If you set bedtime to 8:00 pm and you put the baby to be at 7:30 am, then check on him/her at 10:30 pm, Nanit will see that 10:30 pm visit and that will be the beginning of the night summary.
Nanit Insights then look for the last time baby was taken out of bed before the setting for the wake-up time, this will be the end of the night summary. So if you set your wake-up time at 7:00 am, then you feed/check on baby at 4:00 am, then put him/her back to be and they sleep until 8:00 am. Insights will mark the 4 am visit as the end of the night summary since baby slept past the wake-up time.
The easy adjustment would be to provide a wider range for your sleep setting. (e.g. 1 hour before and after his/her normal sleep schedule)