You can control your Nanit Sound + Light Machine directly from the Camera App!
When both the Sound + Light and Camera Apps are set up with the same user credentials, you will be able to perform select actions from the Nanit Camera app. The Sound + Light controls pop-up will be accessible to all users who are on the parenting team for both the Sound + Light and Camera devices.
Note: The Nanit Sound and Light device has its own dedicated iOS and Android App, different from the Nanit Camera app. You will need to pair and set up your Sound and Light device in the dedicated app.
Which Sound + Light actions can I perform from the Nanit Camera App?
- Control the volume level
- Control the brightness level
- Turn Sound + Light device on/off
- See status of Sound + Light
How do I control my Nanit Sound + Light from the Nanit Camera App?
- Open your Nanit App
- Tap the hamburger menu to view the list of your Cameras and Sound + Light devices
- You’ll see your Sound and Light device(s) listed under the camera(s) on your account. From this menu, you can see the status of the sound and Light device(s). You can also turn the device on or off.
- For additional controls, tap the Sound and Light device to open a pop-up over the Nanit Camera app. This will allow you to adjust the volume, adjust the brightness, or power on/off the Sound + Light device. You can also click the arrow icon to open the Sound + Light app.
Troubleshooting: Why don’t I see a Sound + Light device in my Nanit Camera App?
- Ensure that you use the same Nanit Account to set up both your Camera and Sound + Light. Note that users must be added separately to the parenting team for each device.
- If you’ve confirmed the above and are still experiencing issues, reach out to our Support team for further troubleshooting.