If you're unable to see your Wi-Fi network’s name (SSID) when setting up your Nanit camera, this could be attributed to a few things:
- Your camera might be too far from your wireless router
- There could be wireless interference
- There may be other issues with your Wi-Fi network
1. Check further down the list of Wi-Fi names
Networks with stronger signals may show up first in the list, while networks with weaker signals may show up toward the end. Scroll all the way down to see if your network shows up at the bottom of the list.
Also make sure to give your Nanit camera enough time to find all nearby Wi-Fi networks. If you live in an area with a lot of Wi-Fi networks, it can take quite some time for your network to show up. Give the Nanit app a minute or so to find all the networks in the area.
2. Check if your Wi-Fi network is hidden
If you set up your own network, you’ll probably know whether you configured it with a hidden name (SSID). If you didn’t set up your network, ask the person who did.
When your Nanit camera looks for networks, it won’t be able to automatically find any hidden ones, so they won’t show up on the list. You can still use a hidden Wi-Fi network with your Nanit camera, but you’ll need to manually enter your network's name and password.
3. Move your camera closer to your Wi-Fi router, or move your router closer to your camera
If your camera is out of range of your Wi-Fi network, the network won’t appear on the list during setup. Try moving your Nanit camera closer to your router and connecting again. Moving your camera’s installation spot just a few inches or a couple of feet can make a big difference. You can also try moving your router closer to your camera.
You can still install your camera in a spot where Wi-Fi coverage is less than ideal. Nanit automatically adjusts to your network strength to help minimize disconnects, pauses, or stuttering when needed. Be sure to preview the live video feed to decide if you want to mount your camera there.
If the spot where you want to install your camera is just too far away from your router, consider adding a Wi-Fi extender to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network.
4. Restart your Wi-Fi router
Restarting your router can be useful for fixing a number of Wi-Fi issues.
Important: None of the devices in your home will be able to access the internet until your router has finished restarting.
Here's how to restart your router:
1. Unplug your router's power.
2. Wait for 30 seconds, then plug your router back in.
3. Wait a couple of minutes, or until you see steady power and connection lights on your router.
After your router has restarted, try setting up your Nanit camera again to see if your Wi-Fi network appears.
Note: Every router is different. You may need to consult your router’s user manual for specific instructions on how to restart your router.
5. Check for wireless interference
Wireless interference can be caused by a lot of Wi-Fi devices in the home, too many Wi-Fi networks in the area, or a physical obstacle between your Nanit camera and your router. If nothing else you've tried has helped your camera find your Wi-Fi network, try troubleshooting for wireless interference.